Jan 2003
Pat Quinn Blue Mountains
Hope the Museum will attract more funding for 2003-very important work.
D.Roath Fisenge Germany
A bit old fashioned, needs to be updated! But good to have such an expo to make people sensitive to what they have done.
Rei & Kai Melbourne
Yes, “70’s” venue but strong sense of history and always important.
T & K Goodall Victoria
You have lots of info, but it is all very old and not visually appealing – needs updating
Matt Turner Eden-Hills S. Australia
As others here have commented the displays are very interesting and would have been “modern” back in the 70’s. It is very disappointing that some upgrading of the displays and updating of the text has not occurred. Why is this so? There is so much here therefore worthwhile updating. Is the explanation for this the Organisation “Tiagarra” or (more likely) no money coming from local and state government.