Contact Us
Get in touch
Bookings - Schools
Complete the Booking Form below
General Queries
Complete the Contact Form below
Mersey Bluff, Devonport, TAS 7310

We look forward to meeting you.
Come share the journey and experience the culture.
TIAGARRA opens for pre-booked group tours, for schools or adults, of 10+ people, professionally guided by Tasmanian Aboriginal people.
TIAGARRA also regularly opens for community events and gatherings – contact us if you would like to attend, plus join the Tiagarra facebook page.
We also welcome donations and professional/skills support for our aim to undertake Tiagarra museum upgrade/updates.
We have a new group: “Friends of Tiagarra” and invite new members. The support and skills of people of diverse ethnic and work backgrounds with a common interest and passion to assist our Aboriginal community volunteer operation will be invaluable in the successful upgrade and sustainable opening of Tiagarra for at least 3 days a week into the future. Please register your interest and skill-set so you can be contacted about upcoming “Friends of Tiagarra” meetings/events.
For enquiries about Tiagarra or to book a Tiagarra Tasmanian Aboriginal cultural tour please contact Tiagarra Manager, David Gough, from the local Devonport/Latrobe Aboriginal community, via the contact form below.
For enquiries about visiting the region you can also make contact via below or Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation, Latrobe, Tasmania.
Contact Form
For all your bookings, general queries and suggestions, please get in touch via this form. We endeavour to back to you within 48 hours.